A long journey to get back to the bench...

A hello from me outside my new studio ready to work!

Hello everyone!

It's been far too long since I've been here. My apologies I have been rather unwell for a while now. It's going to be a bit of a read so maybe pop the kettle on.

So what has happened is that my poor body is worn out from over working for too many years. I was in a lot of pain during 2020 that just kept getting worse and unmanageable. I was struggling to make but then it effected absolutely everything I did. I ended up at the start of 2021 going privately to find out what on earth was going on. After a slightly anxious MRI experience, thankfully no rogue bits of metal in me! I was diagnosed with a herniated disc between my C6 and C7 vertebrae on the right side of my neck. It's sitting on the roots of a couple of nerves causing insane pain over my right side, numbness in my arm to my hand and the worst headaches. I was told it would be up to two years before it would heal only if I do all that the physiotherapist told me to do and also I was put on nerve painkillers and some extras to help manage the pain. 2021 was just a wash out to be honest. I tried several times to return to work but the pain would get the better of me. It was really hard as you can imagine.

Just as 2022 was about to dawn I managed to trigger the disc and nerves very severely again. My symptoms were worse and a few new ones added. As a result my pain medication was increased and I changed to the most amazing physiotherapist. Heather has been instrumental in getting me better, I cannot thank her enough! I did have a consultation with a spinal surgeon and another MRI. He didn't recommend surgery because of my age and believed that I could still heal naturally, especially in the care of Heather as he highly recommends her himself.

It's been quite the journey this year so far to get healthy with a few non disc related health issues and a freak accident thrown into the mix holding me back a little longer than expected. I have made as many adjustments as I can at this point because I am not giving up! I love my work and come hell or high water I will continue!

I'm not healed just yet and still have to take the nerve painkillers but I'm doing everything to get there as soon as possible.

I'm just really glad to be back at my bench so I can make again. As you might have noticed in the photo I have a new studio now. I just wanted to let you all know what has been happening and that I'm back. So you will be seeing me and my work again. Maybe a wee tour of the new studio is order too. Thank you for reading my super long post and for you continued support. It really do appreciate you all!

Shannon McShane